Friday, November 15, 2013

Our Little Hole In the Ground

I must admit, right now I am utterly terrified. The musical (Bye Bye Birdie) I'm in the pit orchestra has its first performance in a week and I'm still not ready. You may even not know what a pit orchestra is, so before I really start telling you all the fantastic stories of pit I have to tell, let me explain that. First off, a pit orchestra is the group of musicians that plays the instrumental music in a musical. So we're not the people on stage singing, but the people under them playing music, and I literally mean under them. The name pit orchestra isn't some special name for it. It's just a mini orchestra, in a pit (or as I like to call it, our hole in the ground).

Now for the stories.

Story One- Mt. Krispie

This story is extremely simple. One day my friend Joe, the other 3rd trumpet in pit, brought a huge box of Rice Krispie Treats to share with everyone. He got the inspiration for this because of Mr Taylor's (our band director) comment about how Rice Krispie Treats are the most perfect food in the world. To say the least, Joe and I ate a lot of them. By the end of the rehearsal we had enough wrappers from them to make a small mound which I named Mt. Krispie.

Story Two- The Pool Table

This story is also very simple. The easy way to put it is that there's a pool table in the pit. But it's not quite that easy. This specific pool table requires you to contort yourself into odd positions and put the cue at strange angles just to hit the ball. But it doesn't even just end there. There's always weird dips and dents in the table which messes up the path of the ball and the entire thing is at a slight slant. The moral of this story is, if you like playing pool with multiple obstacles then do pit.

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