Friday, December 13, 2013

I'm Whiter Than I Thought

So there's this brand new thing I just discovered. Maybe you've heard of it. It's called dancing, and I suck at it. I just discovered this recently. Somehow the result of staying completely stationary my entire life has caused a serious lack in ability to move anything but foot to the beat of music. For the painful but affective help of comparison, I have provided this psychedelic banana to show an example of about how well I dance.
Photo Credit- HERE

Ok, the banana might dance a little better than me. Or a lot better. Fine, the banana looks classically trained compared to me. That's a problem. A big problem. You see, not only do I now have to suddenly be able to dance for our current school musical (don't even get me started on the singing part), but trying to make watching the 8th and 9th grade jazz band fun gets especially difficult. You see, just the other day we had our holiday concert for band and jazz band. Because I am in JV and varsity jazz instead of the jr high jazz band, I got to watch the jr high jazz band preform. Some of my friends in JV and I decided we needed to try and make it clear that it's jazz! The rest of the audience didn't quite understand. You're supposed to enjoy yourself while watching jazz, and most of the people in the audience were treating it more like the rest of the more formal performances like band and orchestra.

It immediately became our mission to make the performance more enjoyable. It wasn't that hard for us to enjoy it as they played very cool arrangements of different types jazz songs and had some very exquisite soloists for their age. However, getting everyone else to join us in our enjoyment was difficult. We cheered whenever possible and even attempted dancing. I was very good at the cheering part. It's my specialty. When it came to dancing however, my insane amount of whiteness took over. I resorted to doing my best possible psychedelic banana impression. It was awful. Hopefully I'll be able to find a solution for my serious dancing issues in the future, but for now I thing I may be doomed.

1 comment:

  1. maybe the bananananannanana could give you lessons.
