Friday, January 24, 2014

The Big, the Bad, and the Voodoo Daddy

So it's been a while. You may have noticed I've been a bit inconsistent on how often I put up posts and I've even been late on a few songs of the week. However I promise that that is all going to change. From this point on out I aim to post at least one proper blog post a week along with my song of the week every friday. Sound good? Though so.

So what have I been up to that's been keeping me from posting as often as usual? For one thing, Christmas! The holidays weren't the easiest times to post stuff here so I'm sorry about that. But not only did Christmas keep me from posting but something absolutely huge happened. I saw Big Bad Voodoo Daddy in concert! I was in shock for about a week, which is the main reason I couldn't post about this until now. It was so awesome that I had amnesia and forgot the whole concert! Fortunately, I remembered how awesome it was a couple weeks ago but I was completely unable to put it into words until today.

The members of Big Bad Voodoo Daddy pretty much the most famous people in the world to me. If you aren't familiar with them, check out this weeks song of the week because I'll be putting up some of their stuff. Once the musical part of the show was over and everyone went into the lobby, I met up with some of my friends and we got all of their autographs. It was pretty much the coolest day of my life.

Picture from here

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