Monday, May 5, 2014

Australia Officially has the Best Instruments Ever

So I think we've had enough of my weird emotional rants on this blog. I'm done with those. It's time to get back to the basics. Music. BOOM! We're doing this believe it or not, that title up there actually means something. That's right this is actually a blog about (drum roll please) band! Crazy right. If you go back in time a little bit, there's actually some posts about that.

Ok, I'm joking. Most I've my posts have been about band, but recently I've insisted on making awkward metaphors and ranting about life and stuff instead. So what to talk about? Band? Too general. Trumpet? Too obvious. Seussical? That ended like three months ago. Man I'm running out of ideas... I have an announcement though! It's been confirmed that next year our high school's musical is going to be The Drowsy Chaperone! Now the real question is whether I want to do pit orchestra or actually be in the show. Dang I hate decisions. I'm still not talking about anything specific though. Hmm... Oooh! I got it! DIDGERIDOO!

Picture from here
That's right I'm talking about these crazy suckas! Didgeridoos are Australian instruments originally played by native people of Australia. But they're freakin' awesome! Not convinced yet? Well here you go-
That's right! you can beatbox and play didgeridoo at the same time! BOOM! Done!

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