Tuesday, October 15, 2013

My Face Hates Me So Much Right Now...

I have recently challenged myself to something most of my fellow students and bandmates would think of as one of the most idiotic things possible. Today I played at least six hours of trumpet, and yes it hurts after a while. How exactly does this extensive amount of playing time come to be? For one thing, I have rehearsals before and after school, for varsity jazz band and pit orchestra. And that's only to add on to the two classes I have during the school day.

If you don't think I'm insane by now then you're probably one of three things. Either you're doing the exact same thing as me, you have no clue what I'm even talking about, or you are insane. If you aren't one of the first two then I suggest you take this test, and possibly seek psychiatric help.

Despite how nearly impossible this feat is, I have done nothing but benefit from it. Believe it or not playing up to six hours a day actually makes you better after a while! (mind blown). There of course is harmful parts about playing so much. In fact, it's currently 9:30 pm and I can still feel where the metal mouthpiece caused the inside of my lip to press against my braces, which is the hardest part about playing that long. Especially for me. Luckily, I should be getting my braces off soon. Hopefully, that will help me play for hours on end without completely tiring out too much.

Picture From Amazon
(because all the time is trumpet time)
p.s. If anybody wants to buy me this clock please feel free.

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