Monday, October 28, 2013

The Tragic but True Meaning of Halloween

In case you haven't noticed, Halloween is in two days. What does that mean to you? Perhaps it means you get to dress up and go get strangers to put sugary treats in a bag, or perhaps you're on the other side of the door and it means you need to head to Walmart and stock up on candy just to get rid of it when obnoxious kids with cheesy costumes arrive at you're door. Unfortunately, Halloween brings on a whole new terror for me. Christmas music.

You're probably questioning how I could possibly have this trouble so soon, or how it's even a problem to begin with. I can easily explain the second question. It's October! I don't want to be in a christmas spirit quite yet. I still have a couple months to go. The first question is a bit more complicated.

You see, every year is our first concert is typically in October. Unfortunately, the next one is always our christmas concert. I hope you can see where I'm going by now. The moment our first concert is over, rehearsal for the next one begins. So being a band geek, plus our first concert passing, plus the next one being for christmas, equals Christmas music in October.

Don't get me wrong. I LOVE Christmas and the music that comes with it, but just not so early. Unfortunately, there's not too much thanksgiving music to help me get through until its really time to get ready for Christmas.

Picture from-  Here

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