Thursday, April 10, 2014

Region Band

So yesterday region band happened. It was fantastic.

Picture from here

Let me tell you a story. It's a story of trials and challenges, happiness and triumph, and also singing in a bus. 

Once upon a time there was a band. It was called the pchs symphonic band. One day they went to region band festival. They scored a one, A one, and a one minus. They qualified for state. Now let's get to the cool part. 

Ok enough 3rd person. This is getting ridiculous.  Anyway, we left the high school and got on the bus for the three hour bus ride home. Sounds awful right? Wrong. It was amazing. At first it wasn't so great but then we decided to sing thirty versus of "beer on the wall" and then went into singing random pep band songs for a ton of the ride. Finally, we got home. And lived happily ever after.


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