Sunday, March 30, 2014

Thank You

I just want to personally thank you ever made me have 1234 pageviews. You're my new most favoritest person.

Ain't it perdy?

Friday, March 28, 2014


Yesterday was one of the best days of jazz band I think I've ever had. All of the members of the wind ensemble left to go to their region band competition, so the members of our jazz band were left to basically do whatever we wanted. For a while we couldn't play anything because a lot was going on through the band room. However, once they left and Mr. Taylor was out of sight, we cranked up the guitar amps and got ready to play. The rhythm section set up a blues and we rocked solos for the rest of class. Then, halfway through I got an idea. I made my way over to the auxiliary percussion booth and started playing with that stuff. I set up a (rough) beat on cowbell, tried to play tambourine (that was a mistake), and played chimes at times that seemed appropriate during solos (my personal specialty).

Picture from here

So basically, it was awesome. That's about all. It was sweet.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Monday, March 17, 2014


Hey you guys remember that super silly post I did the other day about how much was wrong with me and how sad I was and how I was freaking out!? Well it's all better now!! Why? Because I made it into flippin' Wind Ensemble. That's right! Boom baby biscuit!! I'm so proud of me! However, I still sort of had the most stressful day of my life. I showed up to school in the morning and immediately checked outside the band room to see if he posted the results of our auditions outside on the bulletin board thing, and there was nothing. At that point I assumed they would be up later. Before band, I checked again. Nothing. At this point I was freaking out! What if I had to wait another day? I couldn't stand it.

Finally, to my relief at the end of class Mr. Taylor (band director) said, "Alright, we are out of time but if you need me to sign your registration form, see me in my office." Now I was freaking out even more. What band class I would be enrolled in next year hung in the balance of what he would write on that paper. I was excited but terrified. Quickly, I ran to get my registration form from my backpack, and lined up with the other students. As I approached the front of the line, I got increasingly nervous. Then I finally gave Mr. Taylor the paper not knowing what was to come. Then I saw him lower his pen to the paper and start writing W-i-n-d and then I knew for sure that I was in. And I was really excited. Now I just can't wait to play in the Wind Ensemble next year. Plus, now I have nothing left to worry about. Wait a second.. Finals? WHAT!!!??!?!?!?!?

GIF from here 

Friday, March 14, 2014

Song of the Week #17

Well Crap

For starters, if you want to continue to view me in as perfect a form as you are now, I recommend that you stop reading right now. Close out of this window, shut down your computer, and go do something else. In short, right now my life isn't simple. In fact, less than a minute ago I had a mental breakdown and yelled at my sister. Why? Unfortunately for you I'd rather not reveal the reason. Simply, I've gotten a little sick of her getting on my case about everything. And to make it worse she has POTS (Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome). And that sucks. To be honest, I don't know much about it, but I'm sick of it. Other that the occasional time that my dad forces her to go to drivers ed and the at most two times she goes to church each month, she's at home 24/7. She can't go out to do anything, can't handle anything that's loud at all. I'm not saying this is her fault, as POTS has given her chronic migraines.

But anyway, back to my problems. For another big thing, I'd recommend clicking away now if you have any problem with 1st world problems. To make this as concise as possible, I'm sick of anyone thinking I'm perfect. I'm not! Get that through your head now! This huge obsession in being sick of the world expecting so much from me actually only began yesterday. At my high school there's two concert bands. Symphonic Band and Wind Ensemble. I'm in Symphonic Band this year (the lesser band) and auditions to get into Wind Ensemble were yesterday. I didn't quite realize how nervous I was about the audition until I started. I played a little too much before going in and some parts were rough and I couldn't quite hit some high notes. As I walked out I felt awful. I was crying inside. And then as I walked out and someone asked me how it went, the person sitting next to them said simply, "He's Sam, of course he's gonna get in!" To be honest, that was my mindset for most of the time going into it. But it wasn't until I walked out and I heard them say that that I ever actually thought "Holy crap what if I don't get in..." The rest of that day didn't go well for me. At least inside it didn't. 

So then I eventually got to today when I had my freak out at my sister. I had a little trouble getting over it after. So I went to my default calming mechanism, music. Once pandora turned on the first song to come on was easily one of the happiest songs ever, Jump in the Line by Harry Belafonte.

Picture from here
You can't exactly be sad while listening to this song. So I guess this does have a bit of a happy ending.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Best Quote of all of Ever

Today in geography class my friend jacob came up with the most motivating, inspirational, creative, amazing quote I've ever heard. It was so amazing that I felt the need to turn it into a super fancy background thingy. I'm very proud of it.

Why Laser Tag is the Single Best Thing to Ever be Invented Ever

You heard me. We're talking about something completely random today. I think you can read the title on your own to figure out what it is. And were doing this list style. Let's GO!

10- It has the word laser in it. Pretty much anything to ever have the word lazer included in it is amazing. Try to prove me wrong. I dare you.

9- Enders Game. Ever since I read the book Enders Game I have been fully convinced that a professional laser tag legue would be the simple coolest thing ever. Now I know that that's not what the book's about but in my mind it's the closest thing to it. So deal with it.

Monday, March 3, 2014