Friday, March 28, 2014


Yesterday was one of the best days of jazz band I think I've ever had. All of the members of the wind ensemble left to go to their region band competition, so the members of our jazz band were left to basically do whatever we wanted. For a while we couldn't play anything because a lot was going on through the band room. However, once they left and Mr. Taylor was out of sight, we cranked up the guitar amps and got ready to play. The rhythm section set up a blues and we rocked solos for the rest of class. Then, halfway through I got an idea. I made my way over to the auxiliary percussion booth and started playing with that stuff. I set up a (rough) beat on cowbell, tried to play tambourine (that was a mistake), and played chimes at times that seemed appropriate during solos (my personal specialty).

Picture from here

So basically, it was awesome. That's about all. It was sweet.

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